Weekly Update

The children have worked very hard this week.
In Maths we have measured  and compared mass by using balance scales. We also learned the difference between volume and capacity. We had fun measuring and comparing using water.

In Literacy we have created story maps for the Man on the Moon and looked the time connectives in the story to help us remember the order of events. We will start to retell the story next week.

We have seen a huge improvement in children bringing to school book bags, books and reading logs. Thank you for your support in this.

PE is on a Friday afternoon and whilst the rugby coach is in, our session finishes at 2:50. This means the children need to get changed as quickly as possible ready for home time. Please can you encourage your child to get changed independently? Thank you for your patience on a Friday home time.

Homework- This week we would like you to measure the capacity of different objects around the home. Can you order the objects from the smallest capacity to the biggest capacity? The children enjoyed seeing other children's pictures of their homework so please feel free to email pictures again to lward@suttonpark.hull.sch.uk.


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