Weekly update

What a fantastic first week back. It has been lovely to hear about what the children have been up to in Easter holidays and also nice to see how quickly the children have got back into school routines. 

We are currently 'upgrading' our reading area in class and would love some magazines or books the children don't read anymore at home to add to the area. Thank you in advance for any donations. 

This week in Literacy we have started reading the story "Man on the Moon". We went on an exciting mission to Space and landed on the Moon, it was lots of fun! The children have written some amazing diary entries about their special trip. We also made souvenirs for Bob Souvenir shop ion the Moon using junk modelling.

In Maths we have have practiced counting in tens and then started to look at comparing height and length. 

In Topic we have started to make our own Moon using  papier-mâché. 

Homework- This week we would like the children to compare the length and height of objects in the home. Please take pictures and send them to lward@suttonpark.hull.sch.uk for us to share with the class. Thank you.


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