
In Literacy this week we have recalled part of the story through a story map, helping us to remember key parts. We then used the story map to help us write up what has happened. The children really impressed me with their fantastic sentences. 
This week in Maths we have been ordering two digit numbers.The children have been focusing on looking at the tens and then the ones to identify which number is the biggest and which number is the smallest. We have also practiced counting in twos.

In Topic we have had lots of fun this week looking at the planet Saturn. Using the ipads, we have learned facts  about the the planet that we are going to share in our showcase. The children have also painted Saturn.

  • Attendance - our attendance need to be above 96% - lets try really hard next week to win the attendance trophy! 
  • Easter craft afternoon 21st March - the children are to bring in a hard boiled egg to decorate. You can bring in resources from home to help decorate your egg. 
  • PE- All children must take part in PE. They need to have earrings removed and a full PE kit. Children should not have any other jewelry on for school.


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