What we have been up to this week...

We have been super busy again this week in year one, working hard but having lots of fun too!
In Literacy we have used drama and art to understand and infer information from the story we are reading. We are really enjoying reading "The Princess and the White Bear King" and so far we have learnt that the Princess was wrong to listen to her Mum about the bear.

In Maths we have been using the bar model method.
The children have been sorting different things into groups and completing a bar model to show part and whole of the amount.


We know the total always go at the top and the two different amounts go underneath this, these parts must always equal the total number. Some of us even looked at more than 2 parts to make a whole.

The homework this week is to complete the sheet sent home with your child today. They need to complete the bar model by finding the missing part.

Challenge - complete a bar model using your own knowledge of number bonds to 20.

I have also sent home a list of high frequency words the children should know. Can you please see which words your child can read and spell and tick as appropriate. Thank you.

Reminder: Please can we have PE kit brought in on a Wednesday. Wednesday 24th we have a dance workshop and all children will need indoor PE kit to take part. Thank you.


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