What have we been up to this week...

We were so happy to see all the children back this week after the Christmas holidays. They have all had a fantastic attitude to school, they have all tried their best with their work and shown they are eager to learn all about the topic.

This week in Literacy we have started to look at the story “The Princess and the White Bear King.” We have only read the first few pages but we are excited to find out what happens next.
In Maths we have been finding the missing number in a number sentence by counting on. Try having a go at these at home.

7 + __ = 15

3 + __ = 17

12 + __ = 18

7 + __ = 11

In the afternoon we have started to explore the Arctic. We have learned which animals live there and why they look the way they do (See if your child can tell you!) We also investigated ice, how it changes over time in different conditions. We know not to put ice on the radiator now as it will melt very quickly!

Have a lovely weekend :)


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