
Showing posts from May, 2018


This week the children have written diary entries and postcards as the snail from the Snail and the Whale. They have written about the snails journey and have used some amazing vocabulary to describe what the snail saw on its travels. In Maths we have finished off the arrays work by looking at columns. After half term we will be focusing on division for the first few weeks. Please continue to help your child learn their 2,5 and 10 times table. Well done to all the children for a fantastic half term. They have worked so hard and matured so much. We hope they enjoy the week off and hope they recharge themselves ready for the last leg of year 1!


dolphin alphabet phonics elephant when where which wheel while white


Congratulations!!!!!! We have received the highest attendance percentage so far... 99.1% Needless to say we won the trophy! An amazing effort from everyone last week! Let's do it again!


dear hear beard near year clear fear bear wear pear

Royal Wedding Celebrations

The children are looking extra special today ready to celebrate the wedding of the year. The children have enjoyed making cards to send to Prince Harry and Meghan congratulating them. 


Well Done!!!! Our attendance for last week was 96.9% so we exceeded the whole school target. We may be in with a chance of winning the attendance trophy! Fingers crossed!!

Weekly Update

What a fantastic start to the new topic we have had. The children all had a fun filled day on Tuesday launching the new topic Under and Over the Sea. We can't wait to get started with our topic work. This week the children have continued to work on arrays in Maths. The children have been working really hard on their understanding working practically. In Literacy the children have explored lots of Julia Donaldson books ready for our new book "The Snail and the Whale." by Julia Donaldson. The children made story stones for their favourite stories. They have also written shape poems. I was super impressed with their descriptive language! Thank you for helping the children make some amazing puppets. They have made lovely additions to our reading area. Homework - This week we would like you to write a book review. You can choose a book at home, perhaps a Julia Donaldson book or even your school reading book.  We are going to add the reviews to the reading corner too, ...


air fair pair hair chair bare dare care share scared

Launch Day Under the Sea

Ahoy there, Today's bin a goodun for doing all things piratey! We've made portraits of pirates with paper plates and other craft materials; we've played pirate games and sang with ye olde shipmates. We've had a whale of a time. Arrrrrrr

Weekly update

This week we have finished our work for the topic "Out of this World" by sharing our work at our showcase celebration on Tuesday. It was lovely to see so many parents and we hope you enjoyed looking at all the work the children have produced this topic. In Literacy the children have written their versions of  'Man on the Moon'. In Maths we have started to look at grouping, next week we will be introducing arrays. On Tuesday the children will have their launch day for the new topic "Under and Over the Sea". They can wear pirate clothes if they wish. Homework- This week we would like the children to make a puppet for 'Under the Sea'.  The puppets will then be added to a reading display in the classroom. Here are a few examples that the children may want to try to create. Have a fantastic long weekend off - enjoy the sunshine :)


saw draw yawn crawl claw author August dinosaur astronaut your